Saturday, January 24, 2009

words of wisdom from a friend..

1. 遇到你真心愛的人時, 要努力爭取與他相处下去..因為当他離去時,一切都來不及了..
2. 遇到可相信的朋友時, 要好好和他相处..因為在人的一生中, 能遇到的知己不多..
3. 遇到人生中的貴人時, 要記得好好感激..因為他是你人生的轉折点..
4. 遇到曾經愛過的人時, 記得微笑向他感激..因為是他让你更懂愛的人..
5. 遇到曾經恨過的人時, 要微笑向他打招呼..因為他让你更堅強..
6. 遇到背叛你的人時, 跟他好好聊一聊..因為若不是他,你今天不會懂這世界..
7. 遇到曾經偷偷喜歡過的人,要祝他幸福..因為你喜歡他時,不是希望他幸福快樂吗?
8. 遇到匆匆離開你人生的人時, 要謝謝他走過你的人生..因為他是你精采回億的一部份..
9. 遇到曾經和你有誤會的人時, 要趁現在解清誤會..因為你可能只有這一次機會解釋清楚..
10. 遇到現在和相伴一生的人,要百分百感謝他愛你..因為你們現在都得到幸福和真愛..

quite some time ago..i've received a text msg from a friend that i've found quite meaningful..but being unfamiliar in typing in mandarin..this post took me about *ahem* an hour plus to type it out in mandarin..maybe i should try to translate it to english..but some words are quite difficult to be translated..even the google translate tool had it all messed up..believe me..i've tried to copy and paste the whole text into the translator and got a very amusing translation..the funniest part is that, when they can't translate some words, they will just place the mandarin words back into the translated text..even when they translate it, the way they arrange the text and the words they used are nonsense..

my version of translation may end up all weird and funny too..but i'll give it a try since i'm here goes:

1. when you meet someone you love, work hard and strive to make it work..for when he leaves, it would be too late..
2. when you encounter someone you can trust, appreciate and get along with them..for we would only meet few trustworthy people in one's lifetime..
3. when you encounter a savior/benefactor at some point of your life, always be thankful to them..for they are your life's turning point..
4. when you meet the person you used to love, smile and thank them..for they were the ones who taught you how to love..
5. when you meet someone you used to hate, smile and greet them..for they were the ones who made you tougher..
6. when you meet someone who has betrayed you in the past, have a good chat with them..for they are the ones who taught you more about the world..
7. when you meet the person you used to have a crush on, wish them happiness..for that was what you would have wanted for them when you liked them before..
8. when you meet the person who wanted out from your life in the past, thank them for being a part of your life..for they could have contributed an interesting part to your memories..
9. when you meet someone you've had a misunderstanding with before, take the chance to apprehend the issue..for it could be the only chance you have to explain..
10. when you encounter your current companion, be grateful that they love you..for they are the ones who made you happy and loved..

well..maybe my translation sucked too..but i guess it sort of helped me to understand that piece of msg better..

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